Abstracts Submission
Feb. 27 - Apr. 7, 2023

Abstracts submission guideline

  • Abstracts should be prepared following the author guidelines of Journal of Ginseng Research.
  • Choose either "Oral presentation" or "Poster Only".
  • Title, Authors, Affiliations should be in English.
  • Only the first letter of the title begins with a capital letter and others in lower case letters.
  • Names should be written as Given name first followed by Family name with central alignment.
  • Separate each authors by comma and indicate corresponding author with asterisk.
  • Provide contact information (tel, fax, and e-mail) for corresponding author at bottom left of the abstract.
    • Ex) Protective Effects of Ginseng Formulations and Its Ingredients against Oxidative and Inflammatory Stresses
    • Gil Dong Hong1, Gil Soon Hong2
    • 1Tumor Microenvironment Research Center, College of Pharmacy, Seoul National University, Seoul, Republic of Korea
    • 2Department of Oriental Pharmaceutical Science, The Korean Society of Ginseng, Seoul, Republic of Korea
  • Different Affiliations should be indicated with numbers as superscripts.
  • For Oral presentation, submit the abstract both in Engligh and Korean.

Contact Us

  • Tel : 02) 3473-8772
  • Fax : 02) 3474-2330
  • Address : [137-862] #803 Seocho World Officetel, 19, Seoun-ro, Seocho-dong, Seocho-gu, Seoul