Abstracts Submission
August 1 - September 8, 2017

Abstracts submission guideline

  • Abstracts should be prepared following the author guidelines of Journal of Ginseng Research.
  • Title, Authors, Affiliations should be in English.
  • Only the first letter of the title begins with a capital letter and others in lower case letters.
  • Names should be written as Given name first followed by Family name with central alignment.
  • Separate each authors by comma and indicate corresponding author with asterisk.
  • Provide contact information (tel, fax, and e-mail) for corresponding author at bottom left of the abstract.
  • Ex) Protective effects of ginseng formulations and its ingredients against oxidative and inflammatory stresses

    Gil Dong Hong1, Gil Soon Hong2
    1Tumor Microenvironment Research Center, College of Pharmacy, Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea
    2Department of Oriental Pharmaceutical Science, The Korean Society of Ginseng, Seoul, Korea

  • Different Affiliations should be indicated with numbers as superscripts.


90 cm X 110 cm

Contact Us

  • Tel : 02) 3473-8772
  • Fax : 02) 3474-2330
  • Address : [06732] #803 Seocho World Officetel, 19, Seoun-ro, Seocho-dong, Seocho-gu, Seoul